1. Clear Protect Group will issue a refund for items that were incorrectly shipped, or are defective.
2. Returns will only be accepted for damaged or incorrect items received if reported to Customer
Service within 15 days of receipt. Returns cannot be made in exchange for another type of item. To report a damaged or incorrectly shipped item, please retain your original packaging and contact Clear Protect Group on 0800 399 378 or email us at hello@clearprotect.co.nz
3. We will only refund shipping charges if we’ve sent the wrong item, or if the item sent is defective.
4. To return please include original packing slip and circle the item(s) that you are returning. For a return, we will credit a bank account of your choosing within 7 working days. Pack and seal your return securely, in the original package. Packages must be returned prepaid. We will reimburse the shipping cost in the events outlined in Clause 3. Please include the bank account you wish the refund to appear in.
Clear Protect Group 18/930 Great South Road Penrose, Auckland 1061